
Standalone DayZ game coming this year

Standalone DayZ game coming this year
BY: Pierce

The creator of DayZ has said he would like a standalone release of the game to be available before the end of the year.

Dean Hall spoke at the Eurogamer Expo earlier today, outlining his vision for the future of DayZ.

Hall said: "It has to be out before the end of the year. Not just because we've committed to it but in order to achieve what we have to do. It has to be. There's no 'we hope it is'; it has to be.

"And it's going to be cheap. We've decided that we don't need to sell a heap of units in order for us to be OK with where it's going. There more units we sell of it the more ambitious we get, because the project has the better resources."

Zombie games are at a high in popularity right now, with War Z being an upcoming title that many feel has taken a big influence from DayZ.

Hall spoke about his feelings towards War Z: "Obviously, you feel a lot of things, and a lot of your feelings aren't legitimate.

"I feel like eating ice-cream all the time; it doesn't mean that I'm going to eat ice-cream all the time. So maybe it's natural to get upset, jealous, scared - those kind of things. I definitely think all of those things."


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