
Nvidia announces new handheld gaming device

Nvidia announces new handheld gaming device
BY: Pierce

Technology giant Nvidia has revealed a new handheld gaming device called Project Shield.

The Android-based platform will launch in the second quarter of 2013 and allow users to stream games from the PC.

All games from the PC will reportedly be available to stream to the handheld's five-inch flip-top screen with 720p HD.

The screen is attached to what looks like a standard controller that you'd find on home consoles, complete with D-pad, dual analogue sticks and ABXY buttons.

Android launch titles from Project Shield include Arma Tactics, Blood Sword, Burn Zombie Burn, Dead Trigger 2, Real Boxing and others.

"Project Shield was created by Nvidia engineers who love to game and imagined a new way to play," claimed Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang. "We were inspired by a vision that the rise of mobile and cloud technologies will free us from our boxes, letting us game anywhere, on any screen.

"We imagined a device that would do for games what the iPod and Kindle have done for music and books, letting us play in a cool new way. We hope other gamers love Shield as much as we do."

Battery life is reported to be 10-11 hours for games and 24 hours for HD video playback, while Project Shield will also be able to stream games from a PC over Wi-Fi if it has a GeForce GTX 650 or higher card.

Check out a demo of Project Shield below.


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