Next Xbox to require always-on internet connection
The next-generation Xbox will reportedly require an always-on internet connection.
Edge is claiming to have heard details about the upcoming console from sources, including the news that it will require an always-on connection and that it won't support second hand games.
Apparently next-gen Xbox games will come with a one-time use activation code, basically eliminating the second-hand market.
Edge also detailed some system specifications, such as an AMD eight-core x64 1.6 GHz CPU, a D3D11.x 800MHz graphics solution and 8GB of DDR3 RAM.
Microsoft isn't the only company that is looking at blocking pre-owned games, Sony recently patented a technology that could 'tag' games to individual accounts.
Firm details of the next-gen consoles are expected within the coming months, with Sony rumoured to officially reveal the PlayStation 4 on 20 February.