
Capcom putting an end to HD remakes of fighters

Capcom putting an end to HD remakes of fighters
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
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Capcom isn't making any more high definition versions of old fighting games, according to vice president Christian Svensson. 

In previous years the company has released updated versions of old Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom titles.

However Svensson believes we've seen the last of these remakes for a while, as they just aren't selling well enough.

"New development in the form of updated versions of SF2, SF3, MvC2, MvC1, Marvel Super Heroes, Darkstalkers, Puzzle Fighter etc. Sadly, I think we've probably run the course of feasible titles here given the drop off we've seen in sales with each new introduction," he wrote on Capcom Unity.

"It seems the novelty of such projects is wearing off even within just the fighting game community based upon the sales data of our last two launches.

"That said, we have been quite prolific in these areas (despite the assertion above that we haven't) and it's probably time for us to slow down anyway."

At the MEFCC event in Dubai last week we had Street Fighter artist Long Vo up on the game stage, drawing us pictures of characters from the games. We should have a video of it all up soon so make sure to check back regularly.


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