
New Pokémon Black and White 2 trailer arrives

New Pokémon Black and White 2 trailer arrives
BY: McTim
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A new trailer for the forthcoming titles Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 has been unceremoniously hurled out of a Pokéball, into the wilds of the internet.

This trailer for the first actual Pokémon sequel - with a "two" in the title, and everything - shows off pretty much what you'd expect: new locations, new Pokémon, new trainers to battle, new villains, and so on and so forth.

It's in Japanese so I can only understand about six words of it and they weren't really enough to grasp the fine details, but the pretty moving pictures should be sufficient to give you a rough idea of what'll be in the finished product.

If you're a fan of enslaving small creatures, trapping them in tiny living spaces, and only letting them see sunlight when you want them to bloodily battle other small creatures in some sort of modern-day virtual cockfights, then you'll want to check out the trailer here.

Pokémon Black and White 2 are due out in Japan on 23 June for the Nintendo DS, with a western release to follow sometime in the autumn.


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Nazeer » 23rd Apr @ 19:15 » so they're completely different than the previous ones?