
Dead Rising 3 frame rate issues fixed

Dead Rising 3 frame rate issues fixed
BY: Pierce

Dead Rising 3's frame rate issues that plagued previous showings of the game have been fixed, according to Capcom Vancouver's Mike Jones.

Fans of the Dead Rising series were concerned about gameplay videos from Gamescom which showed a bit of slowdown when there were many zombies on screen at the same time.

Jones told fans that they need to stop worrying about these issues and that they were always going to be sorted out before the game's launch.

"That's the last thing you do, once it's complete and you have all the world built, all the missions built and everything in there, then you start optimising," he told Capsule Computers.

"Then you start getting the frame rate up there, getting the performance up there."

Jones added that Dead Rising 3 looks better than what people outside of Capcom Vancouver have seen.

"Listen to me when I tell you that we're still working on it. That build is weeks old, and we have guys in Vancouver RIGHT NOW who are staying up until 3am to solve that problem.

"We are also working on new hardware, with a new SDK, as a day one launch title; a lot of people don't understand the balance in this."

Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox One exclusive launch title.


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