
Killzone: Shadow Fall is 50GB download

Killzone: Shadow Fall is 50GB download
PLATFORM: PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Sony has revealed that PlayStation 4 launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall is a massive 50GB file.

Sony UK's Fergal Gara was discussing the size of the game during a conversation about digital downloads on next-gen consoles.

Gara claimed that Sony is helping players with huge downloads by introducing the Play as you Download feature, so you can start games without having to download the whole file.

"The Play as you Download functionality, for example, means you don't need the whole file before you go," he told Eurogamer.

"This is a little bit counterbalanced by the fact the files themselves are getting bloody big. Killzone: Shadow Fall is an uber file - I think it's cracking on for 50GB. It looks it, too, when you see it."

In comparison one of the biggest games on current-gen systems, Grand Theft Auto 5, was an 18GB file for the PlayStation 3.

Gara added that the PlayStation Network and all its features was "a major area of focus".

"It's a major area of investment. The network will perform better on multiple levels, because it becomes not just a sales or gaming delivery but increasingly it becomes a social network.

"So it's got to be a compelling experience on multiple levels. It's going to be for no lack of investment, for no lack of effort and no lack of intention that things might fall a bit short.

"But we're definitely moving in the right direction, and I'm confident we'll step on and understand its importance."


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