BBC brings game creation tools to children
The BBC has launched a tool box which will allow children to develop basic games.
The program, which is in Beta and called Make It: Technobabble, can be found on the CBBC website and invites youngsters to get creative.
“Create and make your very own games with this all-new game builder, featuring all your favourite stars from Technobabble!”
The games can vary from platform games to racing and action games and the young developers will have a host of different backgrounds and assets from the game creator’s library. Kids will also be able to edit the rules of the game and the physics.
Speaking to The Guardian, head of BBC Future Media, Martin Wilson, said in a blog post all the kids would need was “access to the web, a willingness to experiment and an idea. In minutes a child can create a game.
“It’s a starter kit. It requires no technical knowledge, no download and works just as well on mobile and tablets as desktop.” He said in his blog.
This scheme is part of a wider plan by the BBC to focus on its Make It Digital scheme, which hopes to engage young people in “digital literacy”.
We’d love to hear what you’d think. And if you’ve created your own game, let us know and we’ll check it out!