
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gets Snipers-Only Mode

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gets Snipers-Only Mode
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
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Sledgehammer games has introduced a new, sniper-only multiplayer mode called One Shot.

The mode was announced late last week and players in this mode will have reduced health and will be limited to choose from five classes, custom designed by the developer in association with pro CoD player NaDeSHoT.

Each class will come with their perks as usual, Scorestreaks and Exo abilities, but you’ll be limited to either a MORS or bolt-action religion rifle.

When announced, Sledgehammer had said it would offer a double XP weekend, however co-founder Michael Condrey had said it might be extended due to the issues with online connectivity over the last week for both XBO and PS players.

This comes ahead of the highly anticipated zombie mode, due in January’s Havoc expansion, and a trailer was released showing off the zombies, which you can see below. The expansion also brings new weapons and multiplayer maps to the game and costs $15 USD for that expansion alone, or $50 USD if you opt to buy the full DLC pass.

You can find out more on Sledgehammer's site here


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