
Zombie Army Trilogy announced

Zombie Army Trilogy announced
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
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Developer Rebellion has announced a spin off to Sniper Elite, Zombie Army Trilogy will come to XBO, PS4 and PC early this year.

The game pitches you against a load of zombies, as expected, and there’ll be three campaigns for you to fight your way through.

The game is set during WWII in an alternative setting where you’ll be "irradiated, demon-infested ruins of World War Two Germany”.

There are 15 missions, five horde maps and boasts two to four player online co-op modes. You’ll also face a variety of enemy zombie classes including zombie snipers and Fire Demons as well as facing zombie Hitler.

And for those that loved the X-Ray cam, you can expect to see that, though how the undead’s internal organs will be depicted is yet unknown…

Rebellion will be self publishing the game and has said players that already own the first two Nazi Zombie Army games via Steam will also receive an exclusive loyalty discount. No price has been given.

Trailer below. 


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