"So much potential growth in the MENA region" says developer
Lebanon-based Game Cooks has told ArabicGamers there is huge potential in the Middle East, with steady growth showing no signs of slowing down.
The developer told us the region was growing, as was the talent pool ahead of upcoming Mena Games Conference & Exhibition, which will be held between the 26 and 27 March in Beirut- Lebanon.
Game Cooks has a strong line of games developed for iOS and Android devices. With Planet Nam Nam being the latest release.
ArabicGamers asked Game Cooks about the messages they would like to convey by attending the upcoming event, they said: "There is so much potential in the mobile gaming industry in the MENA region, a lot of growth and no sign of slowing down in the near future.
"We still have some ways before we can catch with some parts of the world, whom had a head start, but we are certainly on the right track!"
Game Cooks will be participating in the upcoming event to discuss the challenges they face developing and marketing for their games in addition to showcasing their games and the panel on monetisation, marketing and distribution will be hosted by our very own editor-in-cheif, Tamer Asfahani.
We'll be posting the full interview in the coming days, keep your eyes open.