
Wii U will compete with next-gen competitors

Wii U will compete with next-gen competitors
PLATFORM: Nintendo
BY: Pierce
Language »

The Wii U won’t be left behind by the upcoming PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720.

Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata claimed the Wii U could compete with the next-generation of consoles when it comes to graphics.

This means the Wii U will not be left out of multi-platform releases like the Wii was.

Speaking at a Nintendo shareholder meeting, Iwata said: “Other companies might launch a next-generation console with more power, but we don’t necessarily think that the difference between the Wii U and such console will be as drastic as what you felt it was between the Wii and the other consoles because there will be fewer and fewer differentiators in graphics.

“Naturally some consumers are very sensitive about such a small difference in graphics so that we will make efforts to make the most of the performance of the Wii U to keep up with technological innovations and not to make the system out-of-date soon.”

Iwata also spoke about trying to keep costs down to offer buyers the best value for money.

He added: “We are including both a video game console and a handheld device, if we were not careful about how luxurious both of them were, we could end up having to offer the price of the two hardware systems combined, which would not be an acceptable price for the consumers.

“We had to design it by balancing the performance and the costs.”


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