
The Last Guardian still coming

The Last Guardian still coming
PLATFORM: PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Sony has confirmed The Last Guardian is still in development.

The game was initially intended to launch in 2011 but details have since dried up.

Sony Worldwide Studios boss, Shuhei Yoshida, said the game is still being worked on.

Yoshida told Eurogamer: "The team is still working on it very hard.

"There are certain technical issues they've been working on. That's the period of time when the game, looking from the outside, doesn't seem to be making much progress. But internally there is a lot of work going into creating the title."

Yoshida said engineers at Sony Japan Studio had to re-do the original work they'd done on the game.

He added: "We had the game playable. At one point we felt that it would be produced for a certain time period. That was the time we prematurely talked about the launch window.

"But it turned out the technical issues are much harder to solve. So the engineering team had to go back and re-do some of the work they had done."


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