
Arkham Origins dev cautious of following Rocksteady

Arkham Origins dev cautious of following Rocksteady
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce
Language »

Following the Batman games developed by Rocksteady is no easy task, according to Arkham Origins studio WB Games.

Origins was announced yesterday as a prequel in the Batman Arkham series, but WB Games is in charge for the first time.

Creative director Eric Holmes said the studio must attempt something totally different to make Origins a success.

"The challenge for us, coming in after Rocksteady, is to do something which hasn't been done," he told GameInformer.

"This is the story of the first time Batman meets certain characters that are very important to him and defines his relationships, which ultimately starts to define him.

"Nobody's harsher critics about this game that we are and we definitely want it to stand up to the Arkham legacy."

Batman: Arkham Origins will launch 25 October.


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oj_sarraj » 10th Apr @ 20:10 » i am super excited for this game plus can't believe its due out this year :)
Mai » 10th Apr @ 17:55 » و انا بدي العبا
ZainabSaccal » 10th Apr @ 17:46 » أنا متأكدة إنها رح تكون لعبة رائعة، لازم أحصل عليها أول ما تنزل