
Capcom let down by Darkstalkers Resurrection sales

Capcom let down by Darkstalkers Resurrection sales
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation
BY: Pierce
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Sales of Darkstalkers Resurrection fell well below what Capcom hoped they would be.

The fighter was launched last month as a downloadable title on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, and is a HD update of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge and Darkstalkers 3.

It even appeared in the top 10 list on the US PlayStation Store for March, but apparently that wasn't enough.

"Sadly, it's not as high on that list as it really needs to be successful," Capcom's Christian Svensson wrote on Capcom Unity.

"We're working on promotions and the like to improve the situation. We've not given up.

"But I'm disappointed in the opening sales response relative to any other fighting title we've put out on the same platforms given the frequency and urgency of requests we've had here over the last several years and the quality of the execution."

Yesterday Svensson said Capcom would stop focusing on HD remakes for classic titles as they simply weren't selling well enough.


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