
Destiny weapons “like characters in the game”

Destiny weapons “like characters in the game”
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac

Bungie community manager, David “Deej” Dague has told ArabicGamers that the weapons in Destiny, although varied, won’t be “millions upon millions” as in Borderlands.

Speaking in an interview which will be live later today (for part one click here), he told ArabicGamers that there had to be story behind each weapon.

“I think the goal for us was to be, certainly diverse and very vast with the arsenal in Destiny, but also to be very deliberate about the design of those weapons.

“We’re very deliberate about the way these guns would look, the way these guns would add to the story. We didn’t want millions upon millions upon millions of weapons because realistically in the universe in which this game takes place, there is a human civilisation that manufactured these things. These things are in limited supply, so when you go out in the wild and you find one of these things, it truly does feel special. Certain legendary weapons will have a reputation in the game. We want these different weapons to be known to players so that they have names and reputations.”

“If you think about the different categories of weapons, we’re moving away from the traditional sandbox of Bungie games of the past. We’re enabling you to equip three weapons at any point in time.”

There are different weapons within each category; categories being primary, heavy and special. And within these categories are sub-categories which can help with further customisation of your weapon. Combined with the armour and other attributes of your player, it allows a different progression path for most players.

“These weapons, like those that wield them, will evolve and become more dangerous over time. Combine those weapons with the right gear…now you’re maximising everything the game allows you to do to make you more powerful.”

“We want these weapons to be like characters in the game.”

Over the last few weeks, we've brought you news of Bungie wanting to make lots more Destiny games, a promise from Bungie that the public events would be more varied and that Bungie had centralised game development to its own SDK. 

We'll have a review up of Destiny very soon, so keep checking back.


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MTamerA » 8th Sep @ 14:03 » Well, make sure you check out our review. We'll have it up very soon.
kung fu zebra » 8th Sep @ 12:13 » Gonna make a kickass Warlock!!
SuperGamer » 8th Sep @ 11:37 » I wasn't that impressed with the beta but I'm willing to give it another go. Not as hyped as others are though.