
Battlefield Hardline taking levolution to "new level"

Battlefield Hardline taking levolution to
PLATFORM: Xbox PlayStation PC / Mac
BY: Pierce

Battlefield Hardline will take the concept of 'levolution' to a "new level", according to executive producer Steve Papoutsis.

Levolution was famously introduced in Battlefield 4 multiplayer, playing out as epic moments where huge skyscrapers were destroyed or dams were burst.

Papoutsis said levolution was making a return in Hardline, and it'll be even more game-changing than before.

"Within Battlefield Hardline, we definitely have our levolution moments," he told ArabicGamers.

"What we're trying to do with our levolution moment is take it to a new level where, it's not only a spectacle, but it actually provides an even greater tactical advantage when you trigger these events."

Papoutsis explained how the feature could be used for tactical purposes on the Growhouse map.

"So when you play Rescue on Growhouse, for instance, something as simple as setting the plants on fire kind of causes a contact high.

"The sides that don't have gas masks actually get suppressed, so that's cool. It changes strategically and also visually.

"Also on that map there's a giant gas tank in the back, if you blow that up you can change the way the map plays and create a faster entry point into the Growhouse itself.

"So we're really looking at levolution as not just spectacle but tactical."

Last week Papoutsis told us he loved working on Battlefield Hardline, so much so that he'd jump at the chance to make a sequel.

Battlefield Hardline launches early 2015. Look out for a video interview soon.


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